Monday, September 23, 2013

Pokemon X/Y - France gets Cooler

At the moment of typing this, there's still roughly three weeks until Generation 6 is finally available to the public. For the first time, a Pokemon game will have a worldwide release and we can finally explore a region in three dimensions and that will be Kalos! So needless to say, I'm pretty excited and need to gush over all the new features.

The Magic of Fairies

Since the second generation, there hasn't been a new type introduced into Pokemon and I'm thankful we're finally getting something new.

Partly, because now it's an even number.

With a new type we see new strategies come into play for the story and competitive battles.With Fairy having advantage over Dragon, Fighting, and Dark types, there may be a need to plan accordingly for these adorable nightmares (especially for dragon trainers.)

I actually really like this Pokemon and could very well have her on a team.
True terror for my Garchomp.
Thankfully, the Fairy's weakness to Fire, Poison, and Steel will keep a nice balance. And I truly hope this will retroactively reduce the number of Normal types, giving a little more variety to typings.

Wearer of many Hats

Another new addition to the games will be customization for trainers! Finally, maybe after so long I can finally have a red head in the games who isn't the bad guy.That's really all I want.

This is the basic level. Clothing can be changed as well.
Well I would actually like clothes with a Steampunk feel all throughout, but for right now, I'll be content with a ginger Trainer that I can change the look of at will. I know others feel the same. Having only the option to change your gender, while nice, doesn't really helped me connect with the black or brown haired protagonist that's running town to town. I can imagine a lot of fun with the different options you could get in clothes in the game; even a possibility for DLC for different clothing packs perhaps? Wouldn't be against it, depending on any cost.

A new level of Fighting

Just...just look at him...

The hugs will hurt, but be so worth it.
So yeah, the Mega Evos are a pretty big addition. Taking Pokemon that we all know and adding a new evolution on that isn't permanent. It has intrigue. So far, there have been a number of Mega Evos shown, some of them even adding on new secondary types to Pokemon, stat changes, or new moves. Only incorporated in battle, this can add new strategy to a series that it already filled to the brim with it.

Though we aren't just getting new evolutions, but new battles as well. The first of which is Sky battles. Though it seems to be more of an aesthetic, it's a fun one. It always has seemed odd that the flying Pokemon would stick close to the ground for battle. Getting them up in the air trading blows will be a nice touch and help change up the scenery at times. 

Though not all new battles are just visual, we'll be getting more out of them as well, with horde battles.

You better mooove over before they stomp you! I'll leave now.
In horde battles (or encounters) you will now have to face up to five Pokemon at once, while you get one. Thankfully, it seems as though attacks will target the group, not forcing to go one by one to win. This is a great addition for people who are focused on stat training as a way to more efficiently build stats where you need them. Even if that isn't a big thing for you, simply leveling up quicker will be a nice treat I'm certain.

Banks and Friendship

One of the more recent things revealed for the new games is the concept of the Pokemon Bank. A new feature that you can download and use to store Pokemon. This can be from not only earlier games, making sure past Pokemon aren't left behind and reducing the work in moving them over, but now you can also move all Pokemon from one game into there and pull them out when you start a new game.

Though it may only go back to Gen 5, it will be easier getting everyone into those games and moving to X/Y
For better or worse, the Bank won't be available until December, but much like how Black and White limited Pokemon you could catch I think this is good. Rather than immediately download your level 90 Zoroark to clean house you'll be working with the new guys instead. Though once it is active it will be a feature available for all future games, so you'll be able to keep your Pokemon in travel for years to come.

One fault that could be found however is that this will be subscription based. For the sake of server maintenance, you will have to pay yearly to use the Bank. However, while not officially stated on the Pokemon site, a number of people have claimed that this will only cost you about $5. For a yearly service, that's not bad, considering that GameFreak could reasonably charge much more and likely get away with it. Though if that doesn't ease you anger, there will be a free month trial, so you'll have the chance to move Pokemon over anyways, and can form an opinion on the service. 

One of the last big features I want to discuss is Pokemon-Amie. This feature, which is part of the game, is a bit of a mini-game, but with the chance to impact the main game. In it, you can pick any Pokemon you have, and play with them. This can be done in feeding them, petting them, even giving a high-five!

If I could I'd smack your stupid face, Pikachu.
The best part of this is that by bringing in Pokemon and playing with them, they become friendlier, which in battles will mean that they are more likely to avoid attacks and landing critical hits. I like this because it not only gives you something to do outside of the main game, but in doing so you earn benefits towards the game. 

My big hope for this though is that this can be used to help Baby Pokemon and other friendly based evolutions. Personally, I find dealing with friendship and trying to get an evolution out of it annoying in the game, especially since so many of the Pokemon who need it aren't that great in combat, and I've gone nearly broke giving them vitamins to make them a bit happier. If this were a feature, I would definitely be more apt to use it.

I would have used Garchomp here, but he was already in this once.
To be honest, I plan on using it just on really weird/stereotypical unattractive Pokemon because I'll find it funny.

Last Thoughts

Really quick, here's a few things I hope happens:

  • Less legendary Pokemon. I really do like them and all, but it ruins the mystery when there's roughly a dozen in an area. Keep it under five and they'll really feel legendary.
  • Mix up the typing. Different types add new strategy. I'd love to see a real variety in what we're getting, and I feel it's already started with Honedge and Inkay/Malamar. 
  • Something related to StreetPass. I'm addicted to Streetpass. I want to check my 3DS as I write this. If something in the game ties in it could only feed my addiction in the best way. 
So that's some of what's going on for Generation 6 and my thoughts! I'm incredibly excited for this game and I'm just counting down the days until I can pick up my Froakie and explore Kalos!

Until next time, this is Steampunkphreak, and I need to work on some kind of catchphrase!

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