Thursday, April 17, 2014

Mutual Enemy

A bit different from what I usually write about, but as the Empire wrote here, Sony and Fox seem to be working together to a small capacity in promoting each other's work in their own little Marvel universes. This is of course done for obvious reasons: make moviegoers hopeful for a X-Men/Spider-man crossover much like Disney's own universe and to work together to try and keep their franchises alive.

Now the first seems incredibly unlikely. While Disney's own universe connections seemed near impossible before The Avengers it's definitely shown it is possible, but these films were all under one studio, making it easier to connect them. While Sony and Fox are different, and could at any point want to steer away from plans and do whatever is needed to keep their respective rights in place (unless, god willing, they ever sell rights to Disney).

Then of course, this is also an attempt to align against a mutual enemy and try to keep afloat. The two studios can of course be stronger if they don't bother fighting each other and recognize the bigger threat. I don't think it'll hurt the powerhouse that is already in motion by Disney, but it could be interesting to see what the shaky alliance could lead to.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Like if you Remember Progress

The Oculus Rift, a peripheral that would immerse users in a virtual reality. This creates the opportunity for a section of video games that could change things in the  industry allowing players to connect to the medium on a whole new level.

Though wary, people were starting to take notice, and actually consider it in the future of games.

That is, until Facebook purchased it last week, and it all turned sour.

Facebook buying a machine that was heading in the route of innovative gaming derails what could have been. Facebook has no firm roots in video games. Sure, there are plenty of games that you can play with you account, but these are considerably dumbed down games of clicking to make something happen, then waiting or paying until you can do the same action again and bother your friends to decrease the time between actions by playing as well.

You can put in your own joke about Farmville or whatever is popular on Facebook here.

This really irks me, granted, I don't currently have it in my college-student budget to go out and buy a $350.00 add-on, but I like to look forward to what could change video games and allow for new outlets in such a dynamic industry. I think Facebook buying Oculus Rift stops that; it limits what we can do and what kinds of people would want to produce games for it. Instead of people with fresh ideas for new hardware, we're likely to see quick, slapped together games meant to hit credit cards by the dollar.

Games such as Classroom Aquatic, a game I written about before that has you playing as a dolphin in an underwater classroom that must cheat off classmate's tests in order to effectively pass. If that doesn't make you raise an eyebrow and question what you just read, then congrats, your idea is weirder than mine - and I donated money to help fund it.

This might seem like a silly idea, but it shows promise;  this game has a premise that would effectively use the Oculus (by having the player actively move their head to look at other papers to get answers) and I find that amazing. To have such a simple idea, give it a unique and stylized look, and hardware that just brings it all together. Now, who knows what the future of this game will be, and if you'll get the option to pay a dollar to get answers without even trying.

Now in spite of my negative view towards this purchase I don't think it's wrong that the Oculus was bought. It can help to have some big money behind you, but I think it matters where that money comes from. Had Microsoft or Sony, both prominent in video games bought the Oculus then this may not have been such a problem (though recently, Sony revealed their own virtual reality headset, currently named "Morpheus") considering these companies have been part of gaming and have an understanding of the market and consumers. But Facebook, Facebook is another beast, with games hanging as a spare organ, not necessary but nice to have. The care behind games isn't there, or the history in the industry.

While it can't currently be said what Facebook will do with its new toy, it doesn't look positive. While the Oculus Rift was just beginning to walk it has been snatched up and being expected to grow further in a field of statuses and selfies. Leaving gamers hopeful that this futuristic hardware will be more than social media headset.

And the whole issue of the crowdfunding that Oculus made in the first place by thousands of people only to see their investment sold off? That's a complete different issue.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 2014 Loot Crate!

Hello again! So after a nice little spring break I'm back and I got my Loot Crate when I was gone. So here's everything in the "Titan" themed Crate!!

As obvious from the issue of this month's Crate, Attack on Titan and Titanfall play major roles in this crate

The first item is a T-shirt! Pretty nice, and apparently this design is only available through Loot Crate
Up next is the pin! This one has the same design as the magazine cover
Next is this Attack on Titan wristband! A very cool accessory
Then there's...candy? This was added in honor of St. Patrick's Day!
An Attack on Titanfall magnet! Already on my fridge
A discount card for a Prima's Titanfall strategy guide
More candy!!
A Titanfall Lanyard. Very nice design
The first volume of Attack on Titan!
Finally, a discount card for Gaems and a pair of Gunnar glasses
So this is the March Loot Crate. It's pretty nice, though if you aren't playing Titanfall currently (which sadly I'm not) or not interested in Attack on Titan (which is a shame, it's pretty good) then this may not be the crate for you, but it's still pretty great!

If you'd like to start your own subscription to Loot Crate (and maybe help me save a little on my own subscription) follow this link here:

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Support Classroom Aquatic!

UPDATE: It was funded! I can't wait to play, the Kickstarter page says it should be available around December!

Get studying guys!...or don't!

Let's get something straight, I hate dolphins. They're probably the worst animals in the ocean to me.

Something else: I love video games with fresh new concepts. And Classroom Aquatic  has that.

Classroom Aquatic is a game being developed by Sunken Places. The game is about a student that has a test they haven't studied for, and so now they must cheat off their classmates that have properly prepared.

Oh, and everyone is a dolphin.

Why? I don't really know, but that's the game. The game is planning on being released on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Also with plans to develop with the Oculus Rift in mind. Where you would actually move to try and cheat off of classmates.

This game is currently on the tail end of its Kickstarter, and is about $2,700 short of its goal and only a few hours left to achieve it.

If you're a fan of games with fresh ideas, or are just wondering what exactly this game is about, check out their Kickstarter page here.

- Steampunkphreak

Saturday, February 22, 2014

February 2014 Loot Crate: Warriors!

Hello there! Steampunkphreak here, and for my second Loot Crate unboxing, I decided I'd try it as a video this time. I'd love feedback on it, and I may add pictures of the individual items later too!

If you're interested in signing up for a Loot Crate account (and saving me a little money) follow this link to sign up!

And use the code "FB20" to save 20% on your Loot Crate subscription!                                  
Sorry if it's a bit quiet, had to try to not wake up my roommate.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Pokemon fans! The Pokemon Bank is out! As of today the entire world has the Bank open for use! So go and get your Pokemon!

This is me now, my roommate was concerned by my wails of joy.
That's all I have to say, go download it now!

Friday, January 31, 2014

South Park: The Stick of Truth may finally come out?

After bouncing around studios due to closing, I'm sure there are some people that have been wondering whether South Park's newest game would actually be coming out. Well today, Steam posted that the game would be coming out March 4th of this year! Along with some preorder bonuses that look pretty cool. I'm definitely still looking forward to this. Are you? And what class do you think you'll play? I always prefer magic based characters. Learn more about the game here.


Thursday, January 30, 2014

What's in the box! January 2014 Loot Crate

Last month, before I had a small outgoing surgery (I got a Popsicle!), I decided to do something fun for myself and started a Loot Crate subscription. Loot Crate is an online service where once a month a box is sent to your residence. Each box has a minimum of $40 worth of neat little items! This can range from stickers, to collectibles, and even T shirts! A few days ago, my first one showed up and I decided to show off what I got!

This is the box it all came in! And my fashionable Arby's glass.

Perfect! I was looking for some!

Way ahead of you, box!

Maybe this would work better in video format?

Aww thanks!

So first off is this little booklet. The theme was the new year/outer space. It had an interview, a crossword, and notes on everything inside!

First thing I grabbed was the Star Wars Galactic Phrase Book and Travel Guide. I haven't read it all yet, but it looks super fun.

The drawings are great!

Next was this General Zod figure. I didn't see Man of Steel and I'm not a big Superman fan, but it's pretty cool regardless.

Next was this NASA patch! I can't wait to put it on my laptop bag!

There was also this cool Loot Crate pin for the month!

A melting Rubik's Cube sticker. If I wasn't renting it would be on my wall!

A Star Wars game pack! This included some cards and mini figures of ships that you can assemble. I don't play the game, but the figures are cool!

A Star Trek sticker! This one may end up on my laptop.

A 2014 Minecraft calendar. I'm really hoping there's a Tower of Pimps for some month.

A code on the bottom of the box! I get it!

Everything in the box! Overall this was pretty cool to go through - candle not included sadly.

Also with the Star Wars game came these incredibly tiny dice! It'll be fun to see how long it takes for them to get lost forever.
So that was the January 2014 Loot Crate! I'm definitely glad I signed up for this service and I can't wait for next month!

Interested in starting a subscription? Follow this link to sign up and learn more! They have 3 different subscription options to choose from. Just click here to learn more!

And if you do sign up, use the promo code "FEBLOOT" to get $3 off! Happy Looting!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Bravely Deafult's Dandy Demo!

Hey 3DS owners, still bummed about the lack of Poke Bank/Poke Transfer being available? Me too, that's why I have been checking the e shop almost daily in the hopes that I would just happen to see it available for download.  

I just want to see my Darkrai again! Let me see my boy!
But while I was checking out the e shop I stumbled across "Bravely Default," which had a demo available to try. I remembered seeing it during Nintendo's last Nintendo Direct and was interested in trying out the demo. 

Normally, I don't really care about the demos for games, but Bravely Default did some things I liked that made me want to try the demo. First off, things you do in the demo can transfer into the full game when you own it. I like that, because it makes it feel worthwhile to actually try out the demo, because playing it can help you once you start the full game. 

The second thing I like is that the quest in the demo for Bravely Default is exclusive to the demo and not part of the game. I like this idea because it feels uninteresting to play a snippet of the actual game and play that repeatedly to tie you over until the game's full release. It has its own little story that will help you feel familiar with the full world without reaching a point in the game that feels boring because you've already played it. 

For my take on the game so far, I'd say it's unclear yet. I haven't played too much yet, but I can see a lot of good from what I've played. The look of the game is wonderful. The backgrounds and world are amazing and intricate looking (it's very steampunk like and of course that catches my eye) but not over done and still feels easy to travel through.

The characters look nice too; they seem reminiscent of some of the DS Final Fantasy games, with the characters being a chibi design, without going too overboard with it. The costumes are also very cool. One thing you can do in the demo is switch classes immediately for characters, and all the designs are very unique, even changing how the clothes look between the different four characters. 

Bravely Default comes to North America February 7th, 2014